MBACP Senior Accredited Counsellor and Supervisor
“My life has been transformed... and your role in that has been profound.” -- Client
After 25 years practicing as a qualified counsellor, I’m retiring from the huge commitment that long-term work takes. This means I’m only available for short-term work when I have the time. I’m also available for supervisory consultation within wider counselling systems, one-off sessions for ex-clients and trouble-shooting for counsellors who might be struggling.
Since 1997, when I completed the five years of my core training, the counselling industry has expanded massively. If you’re interested in its history over that time and in the options this has left you with in your search for a counsellor, I’ve posted some links.
The rest of my website remains the same -- telling you about the way I’ve worked in the past and why I’ve worked that way as well as my qualifications and experience. There’s also a page that asks: Which Counsellor? I hope it enables you to make an informed decision at the end of your search and that counselling brings you as much joy and clarity as it has me.
01761 463212 |